Project The present program is a
continuation of the initiative European Destinations of
Excellence (European Destinations of Excellence - EDEN) launched
in 2006 by the European Commission Tourism Unit. Since 2014 the
Programme continues to be implemented under the framework of
COSME Programme.
The overall aim of the initiative is
“to draw attention to the value, diversity and shared
characteristics of European tourism destinations and to promote
destinations where the economic growth objective is pursued in
such a way as to ensure the social, cultural and environmental
sustainability of tourism”. For those reasons the National
Tourism Representatives of the European member states as well as
EU Candidate countries will select the Best Tourism Destination
of their country.
The theme of this competition is
“Health and well-being tourism”. The winning destinations will
be promoted by the European Commission and the participating
countries, thereby promoting the diversity, uniqueness, and
quality of the European tourism destinations.
The Deputy Ministry of Tourism (DMT)
has been selected by the European Commission to implement the
EDEN 2019 project in Cyprus. The DMT is inviting entries to its
Cyprus EDEN Competition for the selection of the Best Tourism
Destination on the theme “Health and well-being tourism”.
Those wishing to participate in the
competition can find additional information on the “Eligibility
Criteria”, the “Application Forms”, the “Submission
Instructions” and the “Evaluation Criteria” sections which are
available on this website.
The application deadline is on Friday,
September 27 at 12:00 pm.
The DMT has set up an EDEN Help Desk
aiming to support candidates for filling out and submitting
their Application Forms. The winning destination for Cyprus will
be promoted in Cyprus and throughout Europe.