The EDEN Project
The Winning Destination
Eligibility Criteria
Application Form
Evaluation Criteria
Submission Instructions
Information Seminars
EDEN Help Desk
EU EDEN Website
Cyprus Tourism Organisation
Press Releases
Contact Us

This project has been co-financed by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation and the European Commission under the Grant Programme, 36/G/ENT/CIP/12/B/N02S04- Grant Programme 2012 “Accessible Tourism”.

Website design:
CMP Polymedia Ltd.

© Cyprus Tourism
, 2013

Submission Instructions

All the candidates must follow the instructions below for submitting the Application dossier:

1. Last Date for Receipt of Applications

  • The last date for the Applications’ submission is Friday 29 March 2013, at 12:00 noon.
  • Offers that are submitted after the set date and hour as well as offers submissions that are posted on time but are not be received by the Contracting Authority until the set date and time are not taken into account and are considered as delinquent.

2. Application Form’s receipt

The Application Form either can be downloaded in electronic form (Microsoft Excel) from the webpage of the EDEN Programme ( or it can be sent by email by communicating with the Help Desk Consultant in the following address:

Enoros Consulting Ltd
Help Desk Consultant for EDEN VI Programme – “Accessible Tourism”
16 Zena De Tyras str. (Karantokis Building)
Nicosia, 1065 Cyprus

Email: /
Tel: +357 22 375472 / 375598, Fax: +357 22 375506

3. Information for the submission of the Application Form

All the Application Forms must be submitted in the following address:

Cyprus Tourism Organization
19 Limassol Avenue
2112 Nicosia
Attn: Ms Elena Pericleous

The Application Forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope which bears the following inscription:

  • Application for the Competition: European Destinations of Excellence – EDEN VI: 36/G/ENT/CIP/12/B/N02S04- Grant Programme 2012 “Accessible Tourism”
  • The full title of the Contracting Authority.
  • The last date of the application’s submission.
  • Sender’s information.

4. Applications folder contents

Every application must contain the following:

  • Two (2) copies of the “Application Form” signed by the legal or the licensed representative.
  • Additional informational material concerning the proposed destination (maps, brochures, photographs, references, etc).
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) for the personnel of the Applicant that is employed in tourism activities (see §10.1 “Organizational structure of the Applicant” in the Application Form).
  • The filled Application Form in electronic form (CD-ROM), with all the additional informational material (CVs, brochures, maps, photographs, audiovisual material, etc).

All the applications must be filled in the “Application Form” document of EDEN Programme. Applications must necessarily be completed electronically. Applications completed by hand will not run from the Evaluation Committee and be characterized INVALID.

Applications should be completed in Greek or in English.

5. EDEN Help Desk

An EDEN VI Help Desk has been set up in order to provide any information and assistance for interested parties. The Help Desk is staffed with qualified Consultants experienced in the field of Tourism in Cyprus and the implementation of relative projects. You may contact the EDEN VI Help Desk in order to get assistance in completing the Application Form. The Help Desk services are free of charge.

Questions and/or clarifications can be sent to the email address / with subject “FOR EDEN VI PROGRAMME – Accessible Tourism”. The Help Desk in collaboration with CTO will answer all the questions within three (3) days from their receipt and up to 29 March 2013.

6. The winner of EDEN VI Programme

For the winning destination have been planned the following publicity and promotional activities:

  • Preparation of informational brochure concerning the winner destination and the reasons that comprise it as a point of interest on the Accessible Tourism, in Greek and in English, emphasizing the accomplishment of ensuring the social, cultural and environmental sustainability of the destination. Moreover, it will be indicated the protection of the natural environment, the preservation of the landscape and the cultural characteristics of the area, the health and secure facilities, the available recreational activities, the local customs, while providing details concerning contact destination, map and directions, environment, areas of interest, Museums, accommodation facilities, etc. The brochure will be distributed in Cyprus and internationally.
  • The winning destination will be promoted by CTO through tourist offices worldwide and through other public relations work (e.g. articles in the press). The selected destination will be present on the CTO webpage and the site prepared for the project (
  • The selected destination will be promoted at European level by the qualified bodies of the European Committee.
  • The winning destination will be presented at the European Tourism Forum 2013, in which all the European winner destinations will be awarded.
Follow these links for information on rural Cyprus as well as travel and tourism information in Cyprus.

Cyprus Tourism Organisation
Cyprus’ National Tourism Organisation. Visit this site for in-depth information on tourism in Cyprus.

Natura 2000 Network
The European network for protected areas for wild species of flora and fauna.

Maps of the Natura 2000 Network Areas in Cyprus
The Natura 2000 Areas in Cyprus.

Website of the LIFE – NATURE Project
Conservation management in NATURA 2000 sites of Cyprus.

Association of Cyprus Travel Agents
The official association of travel agents and tour operators, regulated by CTO and EU law.